A great image starts with the right gear…

Like any craft, having the right tool for the job will not only get results quicker it also produces a better quality in the final product. At Grain Studio we have curated a collection of photographic equipment over the years that have become our tools in creating great Food Photography. Be it a lens that gives an image the right compression your after or camera that can produce large detailed file sizes; we have the tools to get the job done.

When photographing food it’s all about the little details and textures that hit us right in the tastebuds. We’ve adopted the latest in Medium Format Camera Technology that picks up even the slightest of subtleties in an image. Gear is something we are passionate about and we are constantly investing in the latest technology to produce quality images for our clients.

Above - A small collection of some of the tools that will be on and off of the photographers desk.

We must have a million items (perhaps an over exaggeration, possibly not) in the studio that we use every day to produce stand out images. Cameras and lenses are just one part of the puzzle; lighting and the manipulation of light plays a huge part in creating the right look to nail the brief.

Be it a little (or a lot) of fill to brighten the shadows or black card to flag light off certain areas; we have a tonne of grip to help us place these lighting intricacies in exactly the right spot.


The role of Food Stylist in Food Photography